Years from now, when the speed and strength of youth are gone and classrooms are replaced by boardrooms, the lessons learned at Gentry Academy will remain.
While there are many quality schools that turn out educated students, Gentry Academy is dedicated to fostering leaders. The leadership skills students learn will set them on the path to becoming high-performing young adults.
Because of the unique background of our founders and staff, Gentry Academy students will develop character, fortitude, and a sense of community that will help them be successful in their athletic, personal, and professional lives. Our commitment to this aspect of a holistic curriculum is evident in our daily schedule. We set aside time every day for leadership and life skills training to foster leadership characteristics and a winning attitude.
Growing into leadership is a process — and it is a process we are very familiar with from our founders being in the military and the business world, and being athletes and life-long learners. We recognize it is not the abstract practice of reading or talking about great leaders, but the activities and attitudes we cultivate everyday, that will stay with students long after their educational or athletic careers are over.

Megan Stone, M.Ed.
Megan Stone, M.Ed., serves as Gentry Academy’s leadership director and director of college counseling.
Megan has walked alongside students, providing the tools needed to achieve success. The mission of her company is to provide organizational strategies and study skills for students to excel in academics and life. Self-advocacy, responsibility and ownership are the foundations of her program. Megan and her staff desire to assist students, parents and educators in the process of encouraging success in and outside of the classroom. Megan has found that confidence in the classroom carries over to every aspect of a student’s life.
Along with coaching students and families, Megan began consulting with school districts, colleges and universities to better equip faculty to work with students who lack the tools to ‘do’ the job of being a student and to build educational ownership. To assist in achieving these goals, she published the “Ownership Series” with Pearson Publishing for postsecondary students. Megan continues to develop new materials for all levels of education and presents training seminars nationwide. She recently released a book for students, titled ‘Own Your Education’.
On a personal note, Megan and her husband, Rick, have been married for 19 years and have two children. The Stone family enjoys time at the lake, traveling and spending time together. Megan actively volunteers in her children’s school, her church and the community.
To learn more about Megan, visit her website at
‘Working with Megan has not only helped our son learn to be successful in school, but it has also improved the relationship we have with him. We feel we no longer need to nag him about homework. Megan has taught him so many useful skills and he has experienced a sense of accomplishment by putting those skills to practice. He has become more independent and takes pride in his school work.’
Mother of Stone Foundations of Learning student
‘Our tutor really motivated our son. He never wanted to disappoint her so he always had his homework done and everything he would need for their sessions ready and on the table. It was amazing to watch. Before we began the tutoring sessions our son disliked school and had no desire to perform well. Now he takes pride in his work and wants to achieve the best grades he can.’
Parents of sixth-grade student